CFC Singles For Christ (SFC) is a Christian community founded in the Philippines for single men and women. The community provides regular fellowship and supportive relationship among single men and women. SFC believes "singlehood" is a transition stage. Singles are drawing away from traditional structures. This drawing away implies a sense of self determination. With income, you have buying power. But greater freedom involves greater responsibilities: personal, social and political. The single is confronted with the reality of evil in the marketplace and, under tremendous pressure to succeed, or simply to survive, may start to compromise his values and thus lead him to a path away from God. SFC acknowledges that this period is exciting and that the single has the right to have fun and excitement. That SFC cannot, and should not, structure the single so that he cannot move. Being Christian does not mean being sedate. Being Christian means having the Christian values with Christ at the center of our lives. His presence in our life will automatically express itself in our speech, action and purpose. So, we don't have to tie down the person with a lot of rules and regulations. To more about our mission and philosophy.. ……….. Click on the About Us! Page.